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Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Silver Tongue Storyteller!!!

My Silver Tongue Storyteller!!!

Stories been there, always, every moment, every time, in a near future there is a story in making, they are all around us, but we miss them, & so we miss our own story. It is writing itself every is a bit strange!!! That I am in my story & the story is all me!!! It is little narcissistic but we all are little that, so easy to ignore that small part. Our life is our story & no one can deny that, every character that we came across all of them are supporting characters and we are the main, it works vice versa. But there it is a simple truth hidden in plain sight that we all tend to miss. We all have our own unique story, we all are important in our own journey but we seem to care more about what other people thinks or doing or how it is more important to poke others than enjoying our own journey.

I always loved stories, as a child I was crazy about them, I used to grill my elders for more & more stories, & then of I go in my own fantasy world to relieve all the words & fantastic things I have heard. My grandma often used to tell me the stories before going to bed, good stories she called them, good for nature & soul with morals and principles, she thought it would be better to dream about good things from which I can learn something, & the whole day was for crazy fun stories. She knew stories are important for life; because we all have one & it is wise to learn differentiate between good stories with crazy ones.

After my grandma left all of us I lost all of my stories, I missed them but no one could replace her talent of storytelling,  she was brilliant one, she can make stories in a second I was amazed by her so many times. She never had shortage in new stories, with new fascinating characters and storylines. She and her stories were always ready to be told, and I admired her for that. It was a superpower to have to make stories while telling, making them evolving them, & she never hesitated. She always had inspiring stories of bravery, strength and morality. She liked reading a lot too, when she was not telling me stories, she was busy reading books, I never wanted to read back then, why should I have?? I had a talking living breathing story book, even an encyclopedia in that matter, she had answers for all of questions, & I had loads of them. Then suddenly one day I lost my Silver Tongue & lost my stories. Then I had to take shelter in the pages of many fine books, in a few months the books became my new best friend, still in my dreams I can hear my grandma reading me those books.

One day it hit me like a thunder that after all these stories all those words I never got to know the story of my grandma, I knew bits of pieces here & there, she used to tell me some things but not that much, like a moment, a sweet memory, a fine day, but never the whole story. I was too much of a selfish ignorant child that I never asked her own story, & no one can tell me her story like her, everyone will describe their own story & she will be a supporting character in those but in her stories she could have told me as a main character the original one. For my father & unties she was a mother, for me genius storyteller grandma, for my maa a loving caring mother in law but who was she for her? What was her own words about her, what made her who she was, I missed all that forever.

Since that day whenever I see a face I can feel a story, I asked my parents all about theirs, they sometime hate being interviewed or grilled so much. But I don’t want to miss another story go by me unnoticed, if I know someone then I have to know their story or it will be an incomplete chapter of my own story. And I am extremely selfish or better to say narcissist to leave my story incomplete, so I can’t miss the stories around me, they are part of me, the help writing my   own. I always been in love with stories, a good one can make me happy for hours, still now every story that I hear I can hear my grandma, her soft loving voice, she helped me understanding my love for stories, she fueled it encouraged it never got tired of telling me stories, my sweet sweet grandma, my silver tongue storyteller.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Words to Thunder…!!!!

Words to Thunder…!!!!

What do we have, to stand against injustice, brutality, abuse or anything that stands on the way of our freedom of being a human being? We have our heart to make us strong, we have our courage to make us unbreakable, we have our will power to fight to the end, & we have our voice to break the silent, of fear & hesitation. We have our words, words are powerful, it is capable of trembling empires & bring an end to the tyranny, it can influence, motivate, & inspire people, and it can light fire into the hearts of sleeping ignorant crowd, it can give birth to a revolution. All of this can be start from some words spoken from the heart, the pain the anger that it shows can change the world, can change the faith of the powerful it can end injustice, all we need is right word.

Power intoxicates people, there are very few in history those who fought its seduction and stood still with principle and determination, power makes people greedy, cruel, manipulative and most of all insecure, the fear of loosing it, is far more terrifying than anything else, so the people have power, act of this fear and try to crush any opposing voice or mind that it can. The happiness is much less than the fear and insecurity for a person poisoned by the taste of supremacy or dominance, they want it to be evermore so they ignore any logic any morality or any humanity, just controlled by greed, insecurity and pure frustration a person can be extremely dangerous for society. History shows us many examples of power hungry people, but we keep our blinds on in the same situation and hope that it will pass & history will not repeat itself but that is denial  and it have to end at some point.

We the people the majority of the society who don’t have power, we have a tendency to fight back if put in the corner, it going to happen sooner or later because people don’t endure tyranny or brutality for long, the people have a breaking point, and when it breaks, people need some word to guide them, and the words becomes weapon & dynasties fall.

There can be only so much fear, or patience or ignorance, after extreme fear there nothing but only rage and anger, after so much patience there is only a thirst to change and after a decade of ignorance there is a revolution. Nothing stands still, nothing stays same, everything changes, powerful become weak, and weak can become powerful, the circle keeps going but in-between there are phases that mark the beginning and the end.

The whisper of distress becomes a noise then it became a roar, words are powerful, we all have them, we all can see can feel but most of the time we don’t use our words, because we are scared, we are confused we are alone, we are powerless. But if we find the voice inside us, if we listen to the words around us then we can see we are not alone, we are not weak, we have the power that no one can imagine, in a breaking point of all the pain & all torment, we roar in one voice and we use our words that can make us free; that can change the circle & only that can turn the fear around. With the right word, we can destroy or create anything, but if we don’t use them or lost them on the way we will always be at the end of a sharp sword, we will always be in dark and we will always be subject to brutality. Words can change it all if we let it become a thunder. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Life & Death!!!!!

Life & Death!!

“Death” one of the most discussed, feared, intriguing subject of all time, we humans who have power of thinking, from the mere beginning we talk about death one way or another. We fear it, we dread it, some people even get overcurious about it, some even worship it, but whatever we do we just wait for it consciously or unconsciously and one day it comes knocking on the door. But it is same for any other animal or living thing on this earth. Ever stars die, so why we waste so many time thinking about something inevitable. On the other hand we all born, live, we have a life, but we don’t care much about it, we take our life for granted and fear death.

There is man I know, live in a safe house, I mean literally safe house that he built for himself, no sharp objects, no dust, nothing merely dangerous because he has a phobia about dying. He is so afraid of death that he had two strokes already. So what is he actually doing by living in fear? He is killing his life, he is allowing the fear to poison his mind and he is wasting his precious life every day.  

What is scary about death? Sometime in the morning while sunrise, if I am awake (that doesn’t happen so often) the beauty of the morning the brightness, the sweetness in the breeze, the smell of flowers, the clear sky makes me so happy, but the thought of leaving all these things behind one day makes me sad too, I love life, love this earth everything around me so leaving all these and go somewhere completely unknown or just ceased to exist doesn’t seem fare. Human being don’t like unknown things, that is why we all try to find answers all the time, to get a clear idea, but we don’t have any clear idea about death. Religions trued to help by giving some answers but there are no definite one, all of them are just depends on faith not on facts that is why we are all scared of the mere idea of leaving everything we know we love everything that we are behind, and move on to something completely new, or simply just vanish in this universe.

Immortality is a subject that we often fantasized about, but even there we put an end somehow. Every moment of this life that I have, breathing in & out, thinking, living, dreading, stress, happiness, sorrow, anger, love, care all of it is very important because it can end any second, that we all know, the smile on face of our loved ones, the smell of my favorite flower, the sound of rain everything is so much special because we are not immortal. We are part of this universe, that is changing and growing but we come & we leave, we born & we die, both of them are miracle in a way. Without sadness there never can be happiness, without tears there’s no need of a smile, without hate we don’t feel love, so without death there is no life. It’s like a wonderful journey & every journey starts somewhere & it must end. We just don’t know where we are going that’s all.